Crusty pork roast with boiled potatoes - slow cooking with WunderCap in the Thermomix

Krustenbraten vom Schwein mit Salzkartoffeln - Slow-Cooking mit WunderCap im Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Contrary to the assumption that you cannot use the slow cooking function in the TM31 and TM5, this recipe is suitable for all Thermomix models from TM31. The only thing to note is that the Thermomix knife is disabled by WunderCap or the “wave” knife cover. Users of the TM31 or the "Wave" knife cover make sure to keep an eye on the maximum capacity of the mixing bowl, as the recipe for the mixing bowl of the TM5/TM6 was developed using WunderCap .


  • 1 piece of roast pork, approx. 1kg with rind
  • 330 g dark beer
  • Approx. 2 liters of water
  • 3 onions
  • 1 tbsp sweet mustard
  • 1 bunch of soup greens
  • 1 tbsp vegetable paste/powder
  • 30g oil
  • 30g butter
  • 1.5kg potatoes
  • 1 tbsp starch
  • 1/2 bunch of parsley
  • Salt
  • pepper


1) First cut the onions and the greens into bite-sized pieces and sauté them while adding the oil for 9 minutes / 120° / level 1 counterclockwise (with the blender knife). In the meantime, rub the roast pork generously on all sides with mustard, salt and pepper. When the cooking time is up, transfer the cooked vegetables to a bowl.

2) Rinse the mixing bowl with cold water and then remove the cooled knife from the pot and replace it with WunderCap (follow instructions for use!). Now add the dark beer, the marinated roast pork, the vegetable broth and the cooked vegetables. Finally, fill the mixing bowl with water up to the maximum mark so that the roast is well covered with liquid. The brew is now gently cooked in the Thermomix for 4.5 hours / 85° / level 0.5. TM6 users can use the slow cooking mode for the long cooking time. Owners of one of the previous models (TM5 or TM31) repeatedly reset the maximum adjustable time after it has expired until the full 270 minutes have been reached.

3) When the 4.5 hours are up, carefully lift the roast pork out of the mixing bowl and set it aside. Pour the remaining contents of the mixing bowl through a sieve (e.g. cooking basket) and collect the cooking liquid. Pat the roast dry on all sides with kitchen towels and then brush the rind generously with butter. Together with the vegetables, the roast is baked crispy in an ovenproof dish without a lid in a preheated oven at 25 minutes / 240° / top and bottom heat.

4) In the meantime, heat 900 g of water and 1 teaspoon of salt for 10 minutes / 100° / level 0.5. Peel the potatoes and halve larger ones. As soon as the water in the mixing bowl begins to bubble, carefully add the potatoes. Cook until the desired consistency (approx. 20 minutes) at 98° / level 0.5.

5) After the respective time has elapsed, set the roast and potatoes aside and keep both warm. Now put the mixing knife back into the mixing bowl and heat 400 grams of cooking liquid for 10 minutes / 100° / level 2. Meanwhile, mix the starch with 70 grams of cold water until all the lumps have settled. When you notice that the cooking liquid is starting to boil, slowly pour the water-starch mixture onto the running knife. Once the sauce has thickened, you can stop the cooking process and season with salt and pepper.

6) Now serve the roast pork garnished with parsley together with the boiled potatoes and the thickened sauce.

We wish a good appetite!

Your Wundermix team

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