Thermomix recipe: yeast dumplings with vanilla sauce

Thermomix-Rezept: Germknödel mit Vanillesauce - Wundermix GmbH

This time we have a delicious dessert for you from Varoma: yeast dumplings. Filled with plum jam and accompanied by delicious vanilla sauce. This treat may require two or three more steps than our last recipe, but it's still not difficult and the result is definitely worth it :-)

Now go ahead and quickly get the ingredients and in just over an hour you will have the yeast dumplings ready on your plate right in front of you.


40g butter
• 125ml milk
• 7g dry yeast
35g sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg, size M
300g flour

Filling : _
• approx. 4 tbsp plum puree

Vanilla sauce:
• 250ml cream
• 2 tsp vanilla paste
• 40g sugar
• 1 small pinch of salt
• 100ml milk
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp starch
• some poppy seeds for sprinkling


1.   First add the butter and milk to the mixing bowl and heat on level 2 and 37 ° C for 2 minutes . Then add the remaining dough ingredients and knead on the dough kneading setting for a minute.


2. Empty the dough from the mixing bowl (this is particularly easy with our dough twister ). Then place on the floured work surface and divide into four pieces . Flatten each piece of dough slightly , add the plum puree and seal the dough over it . Now turn over and place in the flat Varoma insert lined with cooking paper . Now cover and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.


3. Fill 500ml water into the mixing bowl , put the Varoma on top and insert the insert with the yeast dumplings . Now you can cook them for 20 minutes on Varoma level 1.


4.   When the yeast dumplings are ready, remove the Varoma and empty the mixing bowl. Then add all the ingredients for the vanilla sauce and finish the sauce in 8 minutes at 80 ° C on level 2 (counterclockwise rotation).


5.   Now it 's time to serve: put a yeast dumpling on the plate, pour over vanilla sauce and sprinkle with some poppy seeds.


Bon appetit!
Your Wundermix team

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