Favorite dishes for guys from the Thermomix


[ mf-thermomix-TM5 mf-thermomix-TM31
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Item number: SW11084

The Thermomix takes over a large part of the strenuous cooking work, making it the perfect kitchen helper for men who like to eat well. Because with the Thermomix can be used to prepare their favorite dishes effortlessly and in no time at all: fragrant bread, savory and sweet spreads, soups, delicious stews, casseroles, sauces for every occasion, pizza and pasta, meat and fish dishes.

Over 130 hearty main courses, quick cakes, ice cream and desserts for foodies as well as hot and cold drinks can be prepared with the recipes in this book.

Step-by-step instructions ensure success, and you can't go wrong with the detailed recipes, as they are also suitable for beginners! Author Charly Till has of course tested the recipes himself.

All recipes have been tested with the Thermomix TM5 and tested.
Independently researched, not influenced by the manufacturer.

About the author

Charly Till

Charly Till is a process and industrial engineer. In 2000, he discovered his love of cooking as a way to balance out the stress of everyday life. When the Thermomix® arrived in the house, he immediately compared it to a pulper used in paper production and was impressed by its versatility. A few years later, he published his first cookbooks for men and for barbecuing. Whenever his time allows, he can be found in the kitchen at the Thermomix® and tests new recipes. His instructions are easy to follow, even for the inexperienced. He has already published Das Grillbuch für den Thermomix®, Cooking for Guys with the Thermomix®, Spreads from the Thermomix® and dog food from the Thermomix® have appeared.

General information
192 pages
648 g
ISBN: 978-3-7423-0314-1

Münchner Verlagsgruppe GmbH
Türkenstraße 89, 80799, München, Deutschland